CHITCARE Advantages


  • No.1 of Chitcare Software in India
  • Easy to use
  • Total Control and Accurate
  • Meets complete requirements of chitfunds
  • More than 2000 + Satisfied Chitcare Companies
  • Web Based ERP and Client Server Applications

    Management Advantages:

  • Work from anywhere
  • Data Security, reliable and 100% Accuracy on data.
  • No Paper work
  • All analysis Reports like Groups wise Collections, Branch Wise collection, Agents Wise Collection, as well as Outstanding Statements within a fraction of seconds
  • SMS will be sent Automatically (Receipts, Auctions, Due Amounts)
  • Trail Balance, Profit Loss and Balance Sheet Branch Wise as well as Consolidated
  • Reports to be submitted to departments are available and saves time.
  • No Month End reports preparation time – Available all the time.
  • Total Control on Chitcare activities
  • Easy to track Outstanding along with Aging Analysis
  • Latest Technologies allows companies to be on par with bigger players.
  • Customers can be global as it is Web based technology.
  • Gives Confidence to customers and helps in more business.
  • Push Reporting of daily status to management

Business Agent Advantages:

  • Vacant Chits visibility at any point of time.
  • Quick and online registration of member.
  • Automated Agent commission report.

Collection Agent Advantages:

  • Online / Offline POS Terminal
  • Mobile Module for faster collections.
  • Online Outstanding statement
  • Day end collection Summary.
  • Comfortable data to clarify all customers doubts.

Customers / Members Advantages:

  • Can see Account copy online.
  • Automated SMS alerts Receipts, Auctions & Outstandings.
  • Mobile Module helps in better comfort and controls.
  • Online Auctions allows customers to participate from anywhere.
  • Online Payments allows pay at comfortable time.
  • Account Copy e-mail option

Staff / Managers Advantages:

  • Total automation leads to less work and data control.
  • Opportunity to focus on business instead of day to day tasks.
  • Accounting makes Month and Year end report preparation is easy.
  • Control on members / Guarantors / Agents
  • Easy to use and any one can learn quickly.
Call @ +91 9849086644, +91 9866127725